
I'm Magda Mestre and I'm Art Director.

My relationship with commercials goes back many years, to when
I was still a child. So you could say that I dedicate myself to this world
by pure vocation. 

Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations (2016),
Universitat Ramon Llull,
what fascinates me the most about advertising is the
strategy behind each action.

I consider that is where the degree of perfection of the advertising work 
is found, as well as the creative design; which determines the final results of
each campaign and, in particular, its accuracy.

I have a special interest in audiovisual advertising in its different formats. 
I think it's an extraordinary 
way to create stories and transmit
them in a very graphic and dynamic way to people.

At the same time, I feel very attracted to everything related to creativity
in general, such as
graphic design, interior design, fashion, architecture,
photography, art, cinema and music.

It is from these disciplines that inspiration arises for me, combining
concepts and ideas that come up 
from abstract flashes but,
in one way or another, they can be materialized.

In addition, I also enjoy listening, researching, reading and writing :)

Check here my CV !